
Monday, October 1, 2007

Sweet 67

Sweet I dinged again. So now I am up to 67 and working hard to get to 68.
/pats back

So now alot of people always said that don't waste your money on gear every level, which I can agree with somewhat. The only problem with that is when you level you gain some stats, but you also lose your crit chance, be it ranged, melee, or spell. So now if you do that for 5 levels you will lose 1-2%, which is alot. Everybody loves a good crit sometimes. So now I say make yourself an AH allowance for your levels, such as levels 10-20=2g, 20-30=5g, and so on. Now when you hit level 60 you may need to spend alot to get your epic mount, which I suggest doing, it makes moving(running away) through outlands a whole lot easier. Now so for the first few levels you will get great gear quest rewards, but it starts to die down when you get higher up until you hit the final 2 areas of the outlands. So you finally get your epic mount,(/cheer) now you have to save up for your flying mount when you hit 70 which is 1kg. That is alot of money....
/go to shat bank
/ask for a loan app
"what kind of bank is this???No loans??? that's it I'm switching banks!!.."

Well good news, you make alot of money from drops and quest turn ins. So now you have to learn to budget your WoW checkbook. I personally started at 60 with 60silver after purchasing my epic ram I now have 1200g. I give myself up to 50g allowance when I go train. So if I see something(s) on the AH that will boost my stats, I get it as long as it is under 50g. This way I don't lose my crit stats to much and I will gain more in other areas as well. Well at least I have enough for my flying mount right when i hit 70 and will still have plenty of gold left over, which will help me get my engineering up( thats right flying mounts being hand built, I wonder maybe it will be snoopy's dog house?) I heard that it will be a mechanical dragon. Oh can't forget about the mailbot, so now we can drop a mailbox in a run that we can send ourselves stuff we collected or retrieve pots and supplies so we don't have to go in with our bags really full. (/teardrop)
So in final make sure you make smart buying decisions and not impulse shopping, spend when needed and you will see the gold pouring in..

1 comment:

Rob Dejournett said...

My problem now is many alts and many needy guildies. I hardly ever actually try to level my 66 hunter, since whenever i login it's 'can you do this, can you do that'. Well, those runs are fine, but wipes cost money, pots cost money, and ammo costs money. At leasts i'm not doing DM anymore. Let alone that most of my OL greens don't sell...since i've gotten to OL i've probably made 1000 but spent 500 on alts. My solution is to finally level up my enchanter so she can DE my greens and sell the mats. That should turn around this red streak.