
Thursday, August 14, 2008

I wonder???

I wonder if anyone actually reads my blog ( besides me of course). If so Is there anything I can work on or write about to increase readers? I like to write about all kinds of ideas and such, but If no one reads should I still continue to write on this blog? BRK had a good point on his site about blogging even if no one reads it ( ) I can agree with that and will still write my thoughts and feelings about stuff. If you Read this, let me know what you think over all, I am curious.




Maebius said...

I'll have to start commenting more. :) I read your blog through Googl'e feed reader, thus usually don't stop in to visit the site, yet I wanted to know I have read every article out there.
As for topic, I'm not sure I can suggest anything right now, as my brain is dead from work....but I'll try to think of some question. :)
(aka: Nookni, survival hunter of Farstriders realm)

Anonymous said...

I just started reading your blog, and I think you are doing a great job :) It can be hard to get more readers, the only thing I can recommend for that is get your name around, make sure you communicate with other bloggers by commenting on their blogs, and always put a link to your blog there. If they find that you have interesting input, they will be sure to check it out!

But BRK is right, keep writing for yourself! People really do enjoy hearing what you are doing in game, I find it cool that you are trying to get your Baron mount, it's actually made me want to try it!

Sev said...

Thanks guys, :)

I really do appriciate your comments, it does mean alot. This gears me more to write updates as much as possible. I will definetly take your advise about getting my name out there. I do love to write even if its just to vent. I will come up with more topics and day to day happenings.