
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Wrath update review

Ok so I got to visit Northrend for awhile and really get to take in everything, it was really amazing and to have two starting areas to choose from was nice, I advise stormwind harbor to get to Northrend, less people in that zone..
One long boat wait and trip later I get to my destination, the Borean Tundra.
What a great and open place. You start off getting a few quests to get to know the town that you arrive in.
I suggest while you are there to visit all the profession trainers and work on leveling your first aid and skills,
"It's your subconscious, are you forgetting something?"
"no!? why? what am I forgetting?"
"Don't you feel lighter?"
"Yeah, actually I do feel lighter.. why is that?"
"You really don't know why?"
"nope!" My bags are still full, my ammo patch is still full, "oh god! please tell me my gear/clothes
are still on or am I living the running around Iron Forge naked dream?" gear still there /sigh, my wallet is ... is... is!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I'm missing GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!.....
"No your not."
"No you really are not."
"Then where is it? huh Mr. Smartypants?!"
"What did you do when you arrived off the boat?"
"I got more stable slots and train my skills."
"OK and how much did that cost you?"
"I wasn't paying attention, a few gold right?"
"nope.... 200g for stables, 50g for GrandMaster profession and about 7G for each new item creation."
" let's see that's 200g + (50g*2) ....
/carry the 2 ..."
"Hey Boy Genius you just spent 400G in a matter of 5 mins..'
"Gadzooks!!! I just spent 400Gin a matter of 5mins..!!!"
"I just said that, Captain Obvious!"
" no need to get rude.. "
"Tough need to learn somehow!"
so yeah be prepared to spend a fortune when you get there.... Thank god I never leveled my fishing and cooking or else I would be broke.... ouch.
After realizing I just spent alot of money, I decide to do some quests, which yield you about 4-6g a quest.. each mob also drops up to 30s so you will make your money back in no time. I got to meet the new Tuskarr group which look kinda cool...
They had me bullying some Nord'smen and stealing from them as well... well no it's more like stop them from getting bullied by the Nord'smen...
One thing I do realize is I never trained any new spells ... oops...
I do want to say that I do like the new aspect of viper, I was generating 174 mana a shot and multishot would yield triple that amount... I was not even close to running out of mana.... It was a nice change of pace....
The kill command takes some getting used to... Also pets still don't hold aggro as well as they should be..
There are still a few bugs that need to be worked out...
I will keep posting more tomorrow.. and with alot more detail.. I will also post some screenshots of some cool places and creatures, also some UI screenshots..


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