
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to make money from level 1- 40.

So either your new to WoW or are doing a reroll on another server or faction and want to or need to make some money, but how you ask? Well I'm glad you asked. My gold making tips for the lowbie's or alts can make you some serious cash and all it will cost you is $19.95 plus S & H for my guides and cd's just send my toon 1000g and we will waive the $19.95 and if you don't like it well to bad!!!!..


Seriously though I could use the gold. lol.
Well you go threw the cut scene and start off in a beginner area with 0 copper. I'm sure mostly everyone knows this and if you don't you must be new so I say to you "welcome to your demise". After your first set of quests that get you to level 5 you still have little to no money due to spell buying. Now you have 2 choices here, you can either run to the next area for the next set of quest or stay and grind for some loot and at least make it to 6 for some more newbie spells. Alot of people are in a rush and will just venture to the next area and have only the starter bag unless they got lucky and had a 6 slot bag drop. I prefer to stay and grind it out for loot and at least a bag drop if not 2. I usually hit the first main town with my starter bag and two 6 slot bags and some nice silver in my pocket.
At this small town I would pick up my quests and head right to the city, which is usually close by, and venture straight to the AH. I look up all the items that come from a gathering skill or 2 and find out which one has the best sell value. Now you can't look at the 300+skill rating items because of 2 reasons:
1.) your not in the outlands yet, and even if you do get ported will never last there, oh yeah and the fact that you profession skills are based on a level cap.
2.) you are only going to start out with level 1 skill for that profession.

So usually with a level 1 skill you can only gather a few mats so, which will they be? well no one really uses the skins from a low level beast, so that is not the best money maker, Herbs from low level areas don't sell for much either, although the outland herbs sell quite nicely, then there is ore from mining, Bingo this is the one gathering skill you want to make money on.
One stack of copper ore generally sells for 1gold to 1.5 gold. Not bad, huh? So at level 6 you go and train for mining, don't forget to buy your pick axe to mine the ore.
So you go and do your quests, while also mining along the way- this is where the extra bags come in handy. You ding 7 then you ding 8 and low and behold you have 4-6 stacks, if not more, of copper ore in your bags. You run to the AH and post all stacks of ore for 1.5 gold. Now you return to your questing and mining, "you've got mail", you rush over to the mailbox and low and behold you sold all your stacks of ore. You are now a level 8 or 9 with 6-10 gold and have 6+ stacks of copper ore to sell again.
I would have my mount money and then some by level 20.
Now my suggestion for future purposes of your toon is to also create a "mule toon"( a level 1 alt that is in the major city by the bank, to send other mats to. stock them up with some decent bag space too.) Pick up herbing for your second profession and send all the herbs to your mule. So once you get to the outlands you can drop mining and pick up alchemy and use all those herbs you sent to your mule, way back when. Now you can make pots that sell for alot along with herbs that sell as well.

Congrats you will have your mount by level 40 with no problem and even your epic ground mount too.
Of course you can by pass this if you roll a Lock or Pally, but you still need to make money some how.

1 comment:

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