
Friday, August 15, 2008

Baron needs a time out for not sharing ( horse)

Still no horse from baron ( you stingy bastard. yeah I'm talking to you Baron.... my Mother what??.. oh you want to talk about my mother!!! That's it you and me in the parking lot after School!!! and bring your horse!!!!!!!!!)

So I still can't make it in the 45 min time run, I'm always within 10seconds. (Crits just never happen at the end), My brother wants to give me a hand with his rogue to try to beat the 45 min run, which incidentally we have never ever down( when in the 55-60 level range 2-3 years ago.) Of course we own it with 25 minutes to spare. First time for the both of us ever to have done this in the time limit. Yes its the first time we got to meet the prisoner too. But still no mount!!!, of course my brother tagging along is for a price. I have to run is 55 druid through here on Sunday.. That should be interesting.

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