
Friday, August 15, 2008


Bah!! I wanted to pin up my macros I use, but game is home and I'm working. kinda. I can't remember a few small details which could really mess the whole macro up so I won't attempt to try to remember it.
It basically will do this order:

hunters mark

pet attack

mend pet

aimed shot(allows a few seconds for pet aggro to build)

arcane shot

serpent sting( yes I like serpent sting- it does DOTS, if its there why not use it?)

multishot ( if the situation permits it: mobs that have other mobs to close or sheep's= bad hunter for using multishot *spray botttle*)

I then go to my auto shot steady shot( kill command) macro... which now I am going to have to change when Wrath comes out since Kill Command got a Nerf Bomb./errrr

I will post the Macro tonight. I find it useful in raiding, not to mention that auto shot does shoot in the middle of the first macro a few times as well.

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