
Friday, August 15, 2008

Decisions .... /ponder

Ok so I started to really anylize my gear and damage output and realized I need a medium overhaul on my gear. I have epics except my chest which for some reason won't drop and I can only pvp for so long before I want to commit PC suicide ( horde win all but AV).

My gloves could be upgraded ( [Crystalhide Handwraps] )

My chest will need it( [Breastplate of Rapid Striking] )

I could use some enchants and this will boost my RAP about 200+ also Crit to around 29 -30%, but is it worth the hastle of either farming the mats or the money? Wrath is just around the corner ( well a few months anyway) or so Blizz says, and you know they are gonna have green items that are gonna be better then your epics, so again I ask is it worth the effort. What will I get with this boost?

Alliance won't win BG's because I boosted my stats.

I am currently ranked 1 or 2 on DPS for my guild so no boost there, plus we aren't hardcore ( still farting around in kara farming and just really starting SSC and TK).

Grind harder ( yeah there is a goal I

To point and laugh that my stats are superior to others.( I think it would be much more effect with me on Baron's mount and pointing and laughing at people on there regular mounts).

So what do I get out of this? an empty wallet or maybe the exact opposite... farming for mats means alot of silver drops and gear for selling drops.. hrmm could make my money for epic flyer, however I still may have to buy some expensive mats ( economy sucks) and there goes my flyer money.. damn I thought I stumbled onto something.

bah! If Wrath was delayed a year then I can see doing all this, but with it being so close why bother....??


Anonymous said...

If you are trying to decide whether working on your gear is worth it with Wrath around the corner, just think... it's probably 3 months away. Now think BACK 3 months. How much have you accomplished in the last 3 months? Have you gotten decent gear upgrades, new enchants and made progress? That might help you figure out whether it is worth working on.

Mats are not too hard to get, for enchants at least. When you are doing your dailies (which you should be, if you want to get your epic flyer) you'll get plenty of green drops. Find a friend who can disenchant things for you, and see if you can mail all your greens to them. There - mats AND money!

Sev said...

Yeah I actually did get quite a bit of stuff in the last 3 months, however on that note it was from Kara gear, which our guild is farming now and slowly making our way to TK and thru SSC, enchant wise you do make a good point, I will take your advise and use the greens to DE. Believe it or not my Mother plays a mage that can DE so that will be easy. I just have to talk to her when the wife is not present.. wife = anitwow..